Monday, November 3, 2014

What Occupied Your Mind Today?

I'm still in shock that ive lost my job. yes i was only there for 1 year and 9 months but still its crazy. before this job i had the newspaper job and before that i didnt have a job since 2005!! I know what a long time right? I just don't want it to take forever and a day to find a new job. at least i have free time  to do things and my weekends are now free which is cool. ive had to miss out on many things but its what i had to do , it started out as a weekend job and then my boss went on maternity leave so i got asked if i was able to work 6 days a week, i said yup i could do it. im glad that i wasnt fired from something i did wrong, new owners just took over and they weren't hiring.

what occupied your mind today? please feel free to answer in the comment section :)

Monday, January 27, 2014

50 Random Questions

What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called? some of my friends call me Am which i don't mind :) but other than that i get called Amber

WHat books on your shelf are begging to be read? ive been wanting to re-read my harry potter books for sometime so i think that will happen soon

How often do you doodle? not much as i used to since i haven't been in a classroom in almost a year

What do you do if you can't fall asleep at night? i go onto pinterest or watch random videos on yooutube till i fall asleep

How many days could you last in solitary confinment? none i would probably die of boredom

Do you save old greeting cards and letters? yes , i have a problem

who is the biggest pack rat you know? that would be me i can't seem to get rid of things that mean the most to me but i have no room

what is your strangest sense? my nose, i live like a mile away from KFC and i swear i can smell their gravy

how do you make an entrance to a party? i just walk in say hello nothing crazy

how many times do you look at yourself in the mirror? more than i used to

what is the strangerest thing you believed in as a child? that chuckie the doll was real and he was comng after  me (this lasted 4 years)

what is one guilty pleasure you enjoy to much to give it up? chocolate

have you done a random act of kindness? yes we paid for someones order at starbucks a few weeks ago :)

how often do you read the newspaper? not often as i should i normally just get it on the weekends for the coupon inserts

which animal scares you? no animal scares me but spiders do even though they are insects

do you avoid conflict or engage head on? it really depends on the situation

what is the most recent compliment you have gotten? Jon Pardi said he liked the color of my hair :)

something you would like to change about yourself but it wont happen? some habits of mine

are you a creature of habit? yes i like routines a lot

the last time you pushed yourself to the limit? not sure

who are your close friends? Natasha , kiki , torie

do you get jealous easy? it depends

strange occurrence you have experienced? a while ago natasha and i were watching a movie in her room and we turned off the light there is only 2 ways to do that either the switch on the wall or the switch on her fan, we turned it off with the switch on the fan, during the movie we were laying down and it turned on by itself, i freaked out and almost ran out of her room. after that i couldn't sleep so i told her i have to go home i can't sleep.

what do you think about that most? DISNEY

something that amazes you? how some people in this world can be so mean to other people and live on with their daily life. i mean there is a shooting that goes on every day, suicides and other things and this may not make sense but maybe if people would be nicer and take time to talk to someone who doesnt have friends  you might just save their life or even someone else in the process.

honesty or white lies? i am the kind of person if you tell me right away im not going to get upset but if i findout from another person than things get sticky

favorite place to take out of towners? well there isnt much here in this town but i always reccomend the rusty hook :)

one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do it yourself? i awlays have said if i won the lotto i would pay someone to wash my hair , i know thats strang but it feels so good when someone else does it

do you have a catch phrase? not really

how do you react towards other peoples beliefs? this is how i see it, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs , just as i am towards mine. im not going to look at them differently or act different just because they don't believe in what i do

how and where do you prefer to study? when i was in school i normally just study at work

what position do you sleep in? on my sides or sometimes on my back can't sleep on my stomach not comfortable for me

favorite town or city? L.A

3 qualities that draw you to someone? respectfulness, friendly and honesty

how have your siblings affected you as a person? i must admit when we were young i was terrible towards my sister and cousins, not sure why but when they enetered into highschool things changed and we becam really close.  i miss my sister a bunch its just not the same with out her home

a weakness you would like to eliminate? i give up easly

are you in a relationship? yes indeed i am :)

do you think ingnorance is bliss? not sure what this means?

what is unforgivable ? it depends

forgiven past failures? ive made a bunch of mistakes in the past just like people do i have learned to forgive myself and others

is it difficult to forgive someone? no i have forgave but i haven't forgotten

do you hold onto any convictions? not that i know of

is it hard to trust someone? yes, because ive been hurt many times but so far so good :)

are you immature? people may think i am immature when it comes to disney but i beg to differ, i may be 27 but when i go there im 5 and it doesnt bother me one bit. Disney is one of the best things in my book and i know i will be a fan till the end of time

best news you have ever heard? when my nephew called me "ant" for the first time

is it hard to be honest? sometimes

have you instantly clicked with someone? yes and no

when do you find yourself singing? all the time :)

feel free to answer these as well i would love to know thanks for reading


Saturday, January 18, 2014

when i met a celebrity and how i reacted

So, i have met a few famous people and i normally am pretty calm. well when i met Aaron Carter this past November things changed. now i wasn't like screaming or out of control. i was just really nervous and i was the first person in line :) all i could think of was when i was 11 i blast his music in my room and always wished i would get the chance to meet him, little did i know when i was 27 would i get the chance. i have these shoes that when i meet someone famous i normally get them to sign them. i brought one of his cd's t sign and i was handed a badge. went up the stairs and there he was looking mighty fine (lol) i told myself amber calm down he is just a regular person. i started to shake a little, i walked up and he said hello. he asked for my name and i told him. i also said i saw you at XFEST , he said oh thats cool. he saw i was shaking a bit and asked if i was alright, i told him yes im good , i just never thought i would get the chance to meet you. he was like awe your so sweet, he signed my cd and badge he also gave me a hug and said thanks for coming out and supporting him. we took pictures and it was done. i got out to my car and i was like oh my goodness i forgot to ask him to sign my shoes ( i know crazy huh) well i hope when he tours again i will remember to ask him to sign my shoes.  Overall it was great to meet him and see him live :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

music list shuffle ten songs

Let me know what you think of these songs. do you like any?

I Won't Give Up- Jason Mraz

Shot Gun Girl- Jane Deer Girls

Why Ya Wanna- Jana Kramer

A Thousand Years- Christina Perri

Everybody Talks- Neon Trees

Like A Drug -Adam Tyler ( A personal friend check him out tell him Amber sent ya)

One More Drinkin Song- Jerrod Niemann

Not Just You- Cody Simpson

Bring It On Home- Kix Brooks

Show Me Love- Robyn